4. My favorite museum was the Saatchi gallery. I really enjoyed being forced to try and figure out what each piece of art meant by myself, while having some of the more ornate, complicated ones explained to me. I like the idea that the owner of the museum collects the art for himself, and actually goes out and actively collects it rather than waiting for it to be brought to him. I liked the set-up of the museum: how there was plenty of room to enjoy each piece from all angles, and how there was adequate room for larger pieces to be displayed. I have often had difficulties interpreting modern art, but this museum chose pieces that I could understand and relate to, which made viewing them much more interesting.
5. I enjoyed all the museums we visited in this class, as I knew most of them were not places I would have taken the initiative to visit by myself. However, I most enjoyed the more obscure, less visited museums. I feel they were more unique and there were not as many people/distractions around which led to me having more time to actually appreciate the art. I feel each of the museums from later in the course had something different and creative to offer. I am definitely less intimidated by art than I was at the beginning of the semester, more or less because I have been forced to face the fact that there is no right or wrong answer; this fact was hard for my science-orientated self to accept at first :) It makes viewing art much more enjoyable, as it is merely an interpretation of feelings. I also notice the logos of museums to a much greater extent now, as I am able to evaluate type face, legibility, color palettes, etc. I am very happy that I took this class and I feel viewing things in a different way than I am used to is something I will be able to do more successfully now; it is a skill that I will be able to use in many areas of my life upon returning home to the States.
6. Thanks for such a fun and interesting semester, Steven! It was really fun getting to know you and explore London with you. Not to be cheesy, but our class really couldn't have asked for a better professor to share this experience with :)